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Sweetch is a clinically validated Just-In-Time Adaptive AI Platform that moves every individual with chronic conditions to long-lasting behavior change and improved health outcomes, at any scale.
Sweetch understands that no health condition exists in a silo. Better health requires behavior change across domains and conditions. The holistic Sweetch platform combines behavioral science with AI & EI (emotional intelligence) adapting to every individual’s behavior and personality, and how they are most receptive to take action to achieve their goals, every step of their unique health journey.
Each individual's plan is dynamically optimized according to their behavior and progress
Sweetch automatically collects millions of data points from the user’s smartphone and other connected devices
Sweetch converts millions of data points into fully automated hyper-personalized recommendations
Automatically adaptive to each individual’s personality and progress to engage them in the right tone, time and real-life context to achieve their micro-goals
Sweetch tracks individual behavior change across multiple domains
Sweetch helps support patients living with diabetes by connecting with their blood glucose monitor, and analyzing how meals, activity, and behavior affect their blood sugar. Just-in-time recommendations for medication, nutrition, physical activity, stress and sleep helps patients adhere to their treatment program and achieve their micro-goals.
Sweetch helps patients with prediabetes adhere to their treatment program and achieve their micro-goals by adopting healthy lifestyle behaviors through realistic weight management, achievable physical activity, and customized meal recommendations at just the right time.
Sweetch facilitates weight management by helping patients adhere to their treatment program and achieve their micro-goals with hyper-personalized recommendations for nutrition and physical activity, just-in-time medication reminders and weight monitoring with a connected digital scale.
Sweetch helps patients with hypertension adhere to their treatment program and achive their micro-goals with blood pressure monitoring through a connected device, medication reminders sent at the right time and by setting realistic nutrition and activity goals to help lower blood pressure.
Sweetch helps patients throughout their journey to lower cholesterol, to adhere to their treatment program and achieve their micro-goals. Sweetch engages every individual with heart-healthy lessons, nutrition and meaningful activity recommendations, medication reminders and motivational tips sent at just the right time.
Sweetch supports patients living with coronary artery disease to adhere to their treatment program and achieve their micro-goals with heart-healthy tips in the right context, activity goals tailored to their lifestyle and hyper-personalized medication reminders at just the right time.
Sweetch supports patients with congestive heart failure adhere to their treatment program and achieve their micro-goals with hyper-personalized recommendations for nutrition and physical activity, just-in-time medication reminders and weight monitoring with a connected scale.
Sweetch helps patients with autoimmune conditions adhere to their treatment program and achieve their micro-goals with hyper-personalized medication reminders, nutrition recommendations, meaningful activity tracking and practical stress management techniques.
Sweetch helps support patients living with cancer with recommendations that help them adhere to their treatment program and medications. Sweetch encourages meaningful physical activity and provides personalized nutrition insights and curated educational content that support healthy immune function.
Chronic diseases do not live in silos. Sweetch is the only precision engagement platform that empowers patients to achieve sustainable positive behavioral change to improve health outcomes while living with multiple chronic conditions. Patients receive just-in-time reminders to take their medications, personalized recommendations to help them achieve their weight and blood glucose goals, and relevant tips and content that help reduce stress levels.
Sweetch dashboards present hyper-personalized data with individual predictive behavior analytics alongside valuable assets for population health management.